hilarious It started with a Sunday afternoon read through of the musical The Full Monty. And then Monday...man it was a day to make you LIKE Mondays. I started the day with a truly wonderful rehearsal with Jamie Beaman and Tracy Stark for my cabaret show. Taking already fab songs and finding new things in them to play with is such a joy. It really made me think, "Oh, I think we got something here." Keep 9/28, 10/12 and 10/15 marked in your calendars, folks. This show is going to be something special.
Later that night, I got to work again with the fabulous Playground Experiment. They started going live part time again and this was my first one LIVE with them. As I started working with them on Zoom, this was an opportunity to meet some of these folks in person for the first time. And it was marvelous. And while I already had a role in Andi Lee Carter's hilarious sci-fi piece, Last minute, I was asked to read a role for Tim Lorge's screenplay and had a blast going from friend to villain to disgruntled vineyard owner in about 15 minutes. I love helping bring new work to life and was so glad to be able to do it on an actual stage again with such talented folk. Speaking of talented folk, I am back in class with Karen Kolhaas and these PEOPLE with whom I am sharing a Zoom. It is amazing, and, as usual, crazy helpful and inspiring. If you feel you could use this merry mixed mezzo for your next piece, go on an click on that CONTACT button. In the meantime, PEACE ✌🏽
So I was supposed to be back at my church gig with the whole choir for the first time in two years; I was requested to do a reading at New Ambassador's Theatre the Friday after Easter; I was requested to do an in person reading at the new home of The Playground Experiment; there was supposed to a jam session, and a read-through of the musical The Full Monty; and lastly, I was supposed to start shooting the indie film Third Week...
And then I got Covid. My son tested positive on Easter Sunday and then I tested positive on the following Wednesday. And then I lost all my gigs. While I was grateful that we had mild symptoms, it was still a month of a week. When I finally did test negative last Tuesday it was like the sun coming out again to shine for the first time in far too long. I may not have been able to shoot a film, but I have had time to focus on my cabaret show. (Keep 9/28, 10/12 and 10/15 open, everybody, so you can join me at Don't Tell Mama in the Brick Room.) James Beaman, a cabaret legend and fab actor and coach is directing and the inimitable Tracy Stark will be MD. We are putting together a fab band and lots of great music so keep an ear out as things progress. This past Sunday, I was able to read through the musical A Man of No Importance, singing the role of Lily, as well as playing percussion as you can't help but want more instrumentation for all that marvelous Celtic music. It made for a fantastic afternoon. Monday 5/9, I'll be back on Zoom with The Playground Experiment, so go over to their page on YouTube, subscribe, and be ready to see some great new work and support new theatre! Later this month, I'll also be getting back to class with Karen Kohlhaas. I have really enjoyed working with her and my fellow students each time I have taken one of her classes, so I can't wait to start it up again. In the meantime, should you need this Merry Mixed Mama, for your new musical, play, film or tv/web series, head to the next page and hit that CONTACT button! Hope all is well and Peace ✌🏽 |
When not pandemibaking...
I have finally started a website! I just got these beautiful new headshots done by L Morgan Lee of BLUEphotography, and at last have a place to display them. I've also been getting this self-tape thing DOWN. Madison Avenue Baptist Church, with whom I've been the alto for going on twelve years, like most churches, has gone virtual, so we are making videos of solos and hymns for the time being. (Someday, I'll release an outtake reel.) There've been other opportunities, as well, for practicing this process: virtual choir and concert videos. I've been lucky enough to work with Prospect Theatre Company and, thus, was asked to be part of their lovely video featuring Peter Mills' tune "Two Buoys". (I come in with the alto part and drums>) Two Buoys Next, a dear friend - a jazz musician and choir director, presently living in Italy - started up Singers Without Borders and asked me to be part of this uplifting number: How Can I Keep From Singing? Lastly, The Rigano Songbook asked 42(!) of their closest friends to help out with this wonderful song about an all too relevant and growing segment of our lives as we try to communicate with proper social distancing: Screen To Screen The Rigano has a concert planned for 3/13...and then the world shut down. But far be it for them to not have a show. Yes, the Ides of March Extravaganza is now the Ides of APRIL and will be in virtual form. When those videos go up, I'll be sure to share here. In the meantime, contact me here if you would like me to be part of YOUR virtual - and/or, eventually, LIVE - project. Peace ✌️ AuthorAlexandra de Suze is a singer, actor, drummer who also writes a bit and occasionally makes silly videos Archives
January 2025
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